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The Witch's Eight Paths of Power - Intent
Introduction to Intent (9:00)
Exercise #1 - Five Things (12:32)
Exercise #2 - Onesight (13:18)
Exercise #3 - Candle Meditation (18:11)
Centering and Grounding / Exercise #4 - Finding Your Center (7:29)
Exercise #5 - Tree Meditation / Exercise #6 - Vine Meditation (13:05)
Review: Foundations
Magickal Visualization & Energy Work
Introduction to Magickal Visualization & Energy Work
Exercise #7 - Visualizing Energy (12:12)
Creative Visualization & Daydreaming
Exercise #8 - Visualizing Symbols
Review: Magickal Visualization & Energy Work
Cracking the Mind-Code
The Three Selves / Exercise #9 - Meet the Neighbours
Finding Your Learning Style
Subconscious Beliefs (9:28)
Exercise #10 - The Art of Affirmation (13:34)
Exercise #11 - Know Thyself (19:21)
Personal Responsibility
Nothing is Impossible: A Personal Story
Magickal Ethics
Exercise #12 - An Ethical Dilemma (19:54)
Exercise #13: Divining the Outcome of a Spell
Understanding Your Motivations
Exercise #14 - Asking for What You Really Want (17:18)
Review: Getting Out of Your Own Way
The Witch's Pyramid
Exercise #15: The Witch's Pyramid (15:39)
To Know: Exercise #16: Prioritizing
To Dare: Courage is Feeling the Fear and Doing it Anyway (9:28)
To Will: When Magick Goes Awry
To Will: True Will
To Will: Exercise #17: Setting the Spell (12:23)
To Keep Silent: Facing a Conflict of Wills
Review: The Witch's Pyramid
Manifesting a Spell
Manifestation / Exercise #18 - Manifesting
From the Astral to the Material
Exercise #19 - Seal the Deal (9:13)
Aligning Intent as a Group and Cleansing Negative Energy
Exercise #20 - Cleansing Negative Energy / Exercise #21 - Cleansing as a Group
Exercise #22 - Aligning Your Purpose / Exercise #23 - Cone of Power (17:20)
Exercise #24 - Non-Violent Communication
Review: Manifesting a Spell
Doing the Real-World Work / Exercise #25 - Doing the Footwork
Letting it Go / Exercise #26 - Releasing Your Spell to the Universe
Review: Follow-Up
Advanced Visualization: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Exercise #27 - Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Part 1 (10:38)
Exercise #27 - Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Part 2 (8:20)
Exercise #27 - Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Part 3 (10:21)
Review: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Conclusion to Intent
Exercise #10 - The Art of Affirmation
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